Thursday, July 30, 2009

Library Day in the Life, Day three as the week goes

Wednesday was 108 degrees. By the time I got home I was melted, and gazpacho and the slip n slide were as much as I got done.

What happened at work?

Hmm. Library Leadership Team, where we discussed how to distribute work that my colleague was doing, since her last day is Monday. I did not get anything new. Whew. Quite enough on my plate already. Did reconfirm that the Technology Plan REALLY needs to get done. So once we solve the patron notifications issue, and I get through my Tech Services Senior Librarian hiring (closes next Wednesday!), and arranging the visit of Bernie Hawke, head of the Dunedin Public Libraries of New Zealand...I'll get right on that.
Went to goodbye lunch for said colleague. We put together a fun basket of "necessities" for being a new Library Director, which included Rolaids, a magic wand, The Office Kama Sutra, her own "service" turkey (we have on-going conversations about what is permissible as a service animal in the library) etc. Well-received.

Walked in the high heat of the afternoon over to the City Council Chambers to attend a briefing by the City Attourney on public record and open meetings law. 52 people stuffed into a small room that I swear did not have air conditioning (hey, it's Oregon - who has air conditioning, this side of the state?). I did manage to take notes - which we were then told were now public record, and subject to retention policies, since I had altered the original document. I have a number of follow-up questions as to how these laws apply to libraries in particular, with our special privacy considerations. Logs of internet use, etc. - do we actually need to be retaining them? What about text messages in the line of work? How do we archive such things?

Melted back to the library, kvetched about the heat, closed up my million open email messages, and left to pick up my son from daycare to avoid extra charges for picking up after 5:30. I'm thinking I'm going to have to officially move my schedule back again, to start at 8 am. Sigh.

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